
API documentation: http://dev.openlayers.org/docs/

Examples: http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/


  1. Basic example
  2. Layer switcher (aka legend)
  3. Base layers versus overlays
  4. Multiple WMS mirrors
  5. Full screen map
  6. Wrapping the date line
  7. Other cartographic projections
  8. Translucent overlays

Raster Layers

  1. Untiled WMS layer
  2. Ka-Map layer
  3. MapServer layer
  4. Worldwind layer
  5. TMS layer
  6. Image layer
  7. Google layer
  8. VirtualEarth layer
  9. Spherical Mercator ("EPSG:900913")
  10. TileCache

Marker Layers

  1. Markers
  2. Changing marker properties dynamically
  3. Popups
  4. GeoRSS (example data)
  5. GeoRSS with custom markers
  6. Point layer from WFS
  7. WFS GetFeatureInfo example

Events and Controls

  1. Navigation tools on the map
  2. Navigation toolbar off the map
  3. Tracking the mouse position
  4. Overview map
  5. Layer attribution
  6. Full range of controls
  7. Custom controls #1
  8. Custom controls #2
  9. Custom control styles
  10. Trapping click events
  11. Tracking map events

Vector Layers

  1. Generating features in JavaScript
  2. Loading features from GML
  3. Loading features from KML
  4. Serializing features to GML
  5. Serializing to other formats
  6. Selecting features
  7. Attaching popups to features

Editing Tools

  1. Drawing features
  2. Editing toolbar (outside the map)
  3. Creating regular polygons
  4. Modifying features
  5. Resizing features
  6. Rotating features
  7. Transactional WFS example
  8. FeatureServer


  1. Test.AnotherWay suite
